Jonathan Schaeffer. One Jump Ahead: Computer Perfection at Checkers , Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Jonathan Schaeffer. One Jump Ahead: Challenging Human Supremacy in Checkers, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Read some reviews of the book.
Jonathan Schaeffer, Joseph Culberson, Norman Treloar, Brent Knight, Paul Lu and Duane Szafron. A World Championship Caliber Checkers Program, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 53, Number 2-3, pages 273-290, 1992.
Jonathan Schaeffer Joseph Culberson, Norman Treloar, Brent Knight, Paul Lu and Duane Szafron. Reviving the Game of Checkers, Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence; The Second Computer Olympiad, D.N.L. Levy and D.F. Beal (Editors), Ellis Horwood, London, pages 119-136, 1991.
Jonathan Schaeffer. Checkers: A Preview of What Will Happen in Chess?, Journal of the International Computer Chess Association, Volume 14, Number 2, pages 71-78, 1991.